This is about relationships. I wrote about our relationship with our self and I think that is an important relationship. This is about the relationship we have with others and allow them to have with us. The relationship we have with our self sets the tone for how others see us and value us. Do you respect yourself and expect others to do so also? Or do you allow others to walk all over you?
One area that we discuss in coaching is relationships. When you are in a toxic relationship that affects all that you do. Your toxic relationship could be with a person or with food. I am going to focus on relationships with people for this blog. The reason is I think we can solve some of the issues with food when we deal with our real life relationships. What do you want from the people you allow in your life? Having relationships is a choice. You allow them or you don’t.
Think of the people in your life. Do they build you up and support your dreams? Or do they bring you down and you walk away from the interaction with them exhausted, depressed, and feeling like you want to give up? Now, I have a friend and a husband that tell it to me straight. I don’t always want to hear what they are saying and sometimes I feel like I have been going in the wrong direction after I speak to them but I always know that what they said was 1.) said in love 2.) said with respect 3.) for my own betterment not theirs. Those relationships are so valuable to me. Do you have friends like that? Or do your relationships with others bring on heartache, fear and unhappiness? Those are the toxic relationships that eat at our self worth. I don’t understand having those types of relationships. How can anything good come from allowing people in your life that bring you down? I know I am hard wired differently than others, but I don’t mind being alone. I don’t have a ton of friends because of that. I have quality friends!! I don’t need quantity.
I think everyone needs to surround themselves with people that are their biggest cheerleaders. As a wife, I think this is one of my biggest roles. I want to be my husband’s biggest fan. I am the one that cheers the loudest for his every accomplishment. And you know what? He is my biggest cheerleader!! Every relationship in my life that I invest in is a person that is there to encourage me and help me reach my goals while I do the same for them. Can you say the same? Take a moment and think of your relationships: if you took a snapshot at this moment on how your relationship is, can you say you are happy with it or not? What if it never changed? You can’t change anyone else, so what if they never changed from how they are in your snapshot? Are you happy with the relationship or is it holding you back from your goals? If you have work you can do to better the relationship, then what is stopping you? But if you know you have done everything in your power to make the relationship great but its still not acceptable to you, what’s stopping you from choosing to end that relationship? Remember it’s your choice. What can you achieve when you are not being held back by a toxic relationship? Any and everything you want!!
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