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What does “Being Healthy” Mean?

What does “Being Healthy” Mean?

What does it mean to be healthy?   I am sitting here thinking about all of you and wondering what your definition of “healthy” is. How do you define it? I am not 100% sure I have a definition of healthy, and I am your health coach.  🙂 The thing is, health...
My journey Part 3

My journey Part 3

So how did all that stuff lead me to where I am now? Well, it’s the other part of the journey. I was always a fit person, a little underweight without trying to be. I lost most the baby weight (50 lbs!) within three weeks of my daughter being born. In my early 20s,...

More About Me

So I go off and am a military wife for 4 months vs. finishing my MBA. We move again and then he has to leave for 2 months for more training. I have my Accounting degree, but can’t get a job in a different state than my degree with a military husband. Being the good...

A little about Me

So I thought I would tell you a little bit about my journey. I think all of life is a journey: our health, our relationships, our dreams. Everything keeps changing, so the journey never ends. Change is part of the journey. Here is my journey so far… I went to college...
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