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Not ________ Enough

Do you ever feel you are not good enough? Not smart enough? Not ___________ enough? You are not alone! The key is to accept and then change if you want. Make time for yourself, rediscover your passions, and boost your energy, with tips from this free video...


Do you let internal fear stop you? Fear is all internal! What will you commit to doing this week? Make time for yourself, rediscover your passions, and boost your energy, with tips from this free video...

What is your Passion?

What moves you so deeply that going without is unthinkable? That is what you have to do to be YOU. Find that passion and you will find what your happy place. Make time for yourself, rediscover your passions, and boost your energy, with tips from this free video...


I certainly wish I could create more time. But I can’t. However, I can change my mindset about it and enjoy small blocks through out my...


When you decided to get healthy, did you lose friends?   Or did you make a parenting choice that cost your friends? I hear that happens a lot.  It’s not right but I encourage you to stick to your choice and find new friends that will support you! Receive your...
Mommy Wars

Mommy Wars

Judging other mom’s parenting style does no one any good!  The mommy wars need to stop and we, as moms, need to create a supportive community that allows women to parent the best they know how without judgment from other moms.  Instead, moms need to support and...
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